God, the Same Yesterday Today and Forever:

The Late Great Planet Earth

This book is about to introduce you to the reality of there is a God and at some point in the time of your life here or in the hereafter you will meet him. The fear of the unknown has caused us all without the knowledge of truth to create an inner world that exists in our thoughts that leads us to live a life of willing ignorance. This reality block in our minds creates a false sense of security that is based on the material things of this world that cannot talk, speak or hear. These are the idols we in a western world that have become the cymbals of achievements that we value as a reason for living. Have you ever thought where these gifts to create these natural phenomenons came from? Well, for seven years the God I serve has given me the answers to many of these questions about man, the cosmos and planet Earth., All of which I created. I am sure that when you read this book, the obvious signs will convince you of these realities, we all have been a willing participants in the ignorance that have led up to our present state in the world. Mark 8:36 (KJV) 36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

Steven B Riddley


Steven Riddley has said, he is not a writer; however, his inspiration has been as he has states, by divine intervention. In this he said, he doesn’t have dreams or vision as many other prophetic messengers, he said these messages was dictated to him by the Holy Spirit during his prayer time over a seven-year period. I was sent to communicate about his book on Revelation as an interesting read. This book offered some profound biblically based assertions as well researched interpretations. His views in his chapter by chapter expository, offered some insightful understanding on this difficult book. Many bible scholars would fine his assertions controversial but, in a context, supported by sound scripturally based concepts. He has no regard for being politically correct in his views. He has a bold but simple to understand, easy reading delivery. This book ends at the Obama presidency.

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