America Downfall of a Great Society:

What the Church Has Fail to See Beyond 2012

One of the greatest mysteries kept from the church world to be revealed at the end of this generation is what Daniel was told not to write in (Dan.12:9) and John not to reveal in (Rev.10:4). What the atheist refused to believe and what the church fail to see is the truth about the God of creation that all will answer too in this time of the end. The other sides of God, (the mystery revelations) are given to his prophets and messengers to warn the people. Being born in sin, we are blinded by the devil, never to see the light until our rebirth as a new creation in Christ. The horror of Israel’s siege and fall from God’s grace is about to be repeated two-fold at the end of this time of the gentiles. Just as there are those who believe there is no God and confessing Christians that limit the ability of the world to see Him.

We are now in a world whose hope of restoration has been exhausted to the point of no return. The hidden mystery beyond 2012 will be what the entire world will see. What is revealed within the pages of this book leaves no doubt; whether alive or dead none of us creatures of his creation shall escape the judgments. Noted theologians may argue their point on the level of knowledge learned in their seminaries only to discover the Holy Spirit they confess to have, failed to demonstrate these great truths to the fullness shall see the God of creation deliver his chosen people in times of trouble. Now the hidden mystery can be told to this generation before its final end; for this cause Isaiah 5:14 (KJV) 14 Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.

Steven B Riddley


Steven Riddley has said, he is not a writer; however, his inspiration has been as he has states, by divine intervention. In this he said, he doesn’t have dreams or vision as many other prophetic messengers, he said these messages was dictated to him by the Holy Spirit during his prayer time over a seven-year period. I was sent to communicate about his book on Revelation as an interesting read. This book offered some profound biblically based assertions as well researched interpretations. His views in his chapter by chapter expository, offered some insightful understanding on this difficult book. Many bible scholars would fine his assertions controversial but, in a context, supported by sound scripturally based concepts. He has no regard for being politically correct in his views. He has a bold but simple to understand, easy reading delivery. This book ends at the Obama presidency.

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