The Alpha and the Omega:

The Beginning and the Ending of the World We Know

In God We Trust

Our nation is undergoing a national reckoning for sins of descendants of generations past. The evil done by our descendants are the generational curses that we are now unprepared to accept; that is, the reality of what these evils of the past we have inherited in our disobedience to the God we profess to serve has now given us over to the enemy of our souls to deliver in masses the souls of this generation into such carnage that will lead to our ultimate destruction. Our sins as a church and a nation have found us out. That’s why America is on fire and as a recent sign to get our attention, nineteen souls were sacrificed in a fiery hell for the injustices not only to our own citizen but around the world as self appointed policemen. This is the curse upon us as the scenarios will lead up to God turning our enemies on us until we will no longer exist at all as a nation. This article, I writing under duress with tears of sorrow for a once great nation I have been privileged to be born. What we see are all the sins of mankind inhumanity against him as his sins have found him out. What I have been made to see and understand through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, all the sins of mankind are now being exposed and he has no idea of ​​what’s behind these tragedies we are now witnessing. This is the time Satan has been given to fulfill all things spoken in the scriptures, whether you believe or not, none will escape the horror. We as a nation, carrying the title, In God We Trust as a professing Christian nation, link to the real God we were told to trust in as a nation. This covenant was pass to this gentile nation from the Jews that rejected Christ. We are that gentile nation, the recipients of the Abraham covenant. God anointed this nation (America) with this covenant in its birth In God We Trust to prosper. Our legal tender bars the covenant seal with God that has prevented any nation from committing acts of aggression on our soil until Israel was restored as a nation in 1967 that recaptured their capital Jerusalem; this gives them biblically full nation status. This covenant was made with us for that purpose only. Now that has come to pass, the last forty years will end with a seven year warning; 911. From Sept. 11, 2001 until that date in 2008 of that year and month, we have been protected by Gods divine hand holding back what the devil who has already justified before him through the law of sin and death, our destruction. Man through the enemy of his soul by not knowing what spirit posse him has reached the point of eminent self destruction of all creation if God would allow it. I am somewhat overwhelmed with tears to have to speak such things to a deaf generation of confessing Christians whose lights are out to this world to the point that they would have no hope if God did not intervene to save them. Within these covers are the revelations leading up to this end time scenarios. May God have mercy on all that call upon his name? I am somewhat overwhelmed with tears to have to speak such things to a deaf generation of confessing Christians whose lights are out to this world to the point that they would have no hope if God did not intervene to save them.

Steven B Riddley


Steven Riddley has said, he is not a writer; however, his inspiration has been as he has states, by divine intervention. In this he said, he doesn’t have dreams or vision as many other prophetic messengers, he said these messages was dictated to him by the Holy Spirit during his prayer time over a seven-year period. I was sent to communicate about his book on Revelation as an interesting read. This book offered some profound biblically based assertions as well researched interpretations. His views in his chapter by chapter expository, offered some insightful understanding on this difficult book. Many bible scholars would fine his assertions controversial but, in a context, supported by sound scripturally based concepts. He has no regard for being politically correct in his views. He has a bold but simple to understand, easy reading delivery. This book ends at the Obama presidency.

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